News & Articles
Welcome to the Feel to Heal Wellness Blog!
Reframing Summer: The Intersection of Perception and Purpose
This summer did not go the way I planned. Now that fall is in full swing, I’m taking some time to reflect, refocus, and reframe in a way that serves me. Today we’re talking about perception and purpose, especially when things don’t quite go your way.
The Power of Miracles
Every parent’s worst nightmare is to lose a child. I can’t even imagine the pain that one must endure with that tragic loss. This blog fortunately is not a story about loss but of gratitude and miracles.
After the pain is gone….
After I stopped having chronic pain, I had to face my fears, challenges, dilemmas and conflicts. Today we’re diving into what happens after the pain is gone, and how to navigate this new era.
For the Last Time and New Beginnings
In a few weeks, Emily will graduate and I will celebrate with her. A few months after that she will be leaving for college. Here’s how I use breathwork to navigate the complex emotions that come with change.